Its like a changelog, but for life, updated daily.
31 Jan 2023
- Spent the entire day for collecting documents for SSB.
- I think I will switch to weekly or monthly log. I wont get much each day with both college and internship going on. Farewell then.
30 Jan 2023
- Redesigned the homepage of app I am working on.
29 Jan 2023
- Read The creative way.
- Deployed my reddit saved manager on vercel. Sharing it on wednesday.
28 Jan 2023
- Worked on my reddit manager app. Started reading The creative way by rick rubin
27 Jan 2023
- tried redoing, have no idea how to go about it.
- SSB practice
26 Jan 2023
- Worked on my reddit manager app. Gotta launch this month. mobile responsive, fix share URl, layout etc
25 Jan 2023
- Watched David perell's youtube videos.
24 Jan 2023
- Rewrite the first draft of the article. Published it!. Read here
- Added cloudinary to my blog.
23 Jan 2023
- Started a audio log since communication skills in SSB are important. My college have started :(
22 Jan 2023
- Gave CEED exam. Rewriting the first draft.
21 Jan 2023
- Wrote another draft, posting on monday!
20 Jan 2023
- Speed boosting my learning For communication. I mentally left everything to prepare for SSB. I will probably work on my blog and reddit app on weekends.
- Not sure about continuing daily log since next month is already planned.
- I do have CEED on 22nd. I think I should switch back to monthly log.
19 Jan 2023
- prep for CEED 2023. Ended up reading all about SSB.
18 Jan 2023
- got access to CRON (the calendar app).
- Downloaded a precise screenshoot tool(Share X). I will get more control over screenshots I post!
- Want to write stories everyday.
- Didnt do much work today.
- Got shortlisted for TGC SSB. Spent all day planning for it.
17 Jan 2023
- Wrote another first draft
- Reddit saved manager app is 95% complete. Litte things like responsiveness, clear loading states is left
- Listen Tony fadell and lex fridman podcast
16 Jan 2023
- Worked on redesign of this site's homepage.
- CEED exam practice. Planning and sketching.
- Planning to collect Proof of work.
- Read Anthony hobday's blog.
- learning Icon design. Drew a few icons today from the noun project.
- Wrote first draft of several articles. I will be sharing them soon.
15 Jan 2023
- Started redesign of this site's homepage
- Built savedit app's homepage. Its 90% complete
14 Jan 2023
- completed the sharing feature. practicing design sketching daily
13 Jan 2023
- working on the sharing feature of reddit saved manager app.
- Started reading "The practical IKIGAI" by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles.
- walked a mile.
- I have CEED exam on 22nd. planning to share the app on 19th.
Update - 12 Jan 2023
My exams ended today, it was brutal last 10 days. My 100% focus now is reading,writing,building and sharing things online.
I have ton of articles and books on my to-read list. First thing to share is my reddit saved manager. Its 80% complete.
2 Jan 2023 - 12 Jan 2023
Forced memorization of concepts that I will likely forget as soon as I leave the exam room. I have endsem exams till 12th. wont be woking on anything else. Finished reading unscripted: Life, Liberty & the pursuit of entrepreneurship by MJ DeMarco.
Running a mile every day except exam day.
Tried building a simple twitter bot for one of my fav author.
- Twitter has become such a mess, cant even get API token, everything seems broken at their end. I will try again later.
Writing aspirations for 2023, expect a blog post soon.
I accidentally closed my two 100+ browser windows, one of which had 10+ pinned tabs. Maybe this is for the best. PAIN
Codepen picked my pen, snowballing small wins!
1 Jan 2023
Saw the sunrise and read unscripted. Will be back after a few days, gotta build and share my app. Happy new year.
31 Dec 2022
- Reading unscripted by MJ DeMarco
- worked on my reddit saved manager app
- ran a mile
30 Dec 2022
- UI refactor of my reddit saved manager app. Still havent decided the name yet. Deployed the app on vercel
- Remaining things
- Mobile responsiveness
- Share url fix
- Share on reddit.
- Exam study :(
- ran a mile
- Thinking of replacing MDX with contentlayer on this site.
29 Dec 2022
- I mostly read about alex west story and how he built, and this kinda inspired me to start daily log, I already had monthy log since I started this website, but daily log is reminder of what you are actually doing. Every single day defines progress.
- Meditate, run, exam study
- I want to redesign my personal site, its way too funky. I want to build something more minimal and elegant so that I dont have to redesign it every year.
- I watched movie In Time yesterday. Fabulous movie